

News / Agenda

October 18 2024   -   On the federal level, the Future Council Foundation is working on two projects: to initiate a plattform/website as a knowlegde-based frame for long-term future shaping in Switzerland, if possible hosted by the federal chancellery; to initiate a future council on the federal level together with MP who are interested in this project. 

October 18 2024   -   Bruxelles, October 3rd   - A member of the Future Council Foundation participated in the conference "Future Generations - shaping tomorrow today: Advocate for future generations", organized by the Jesuit Social Center Europe and the Universities of Louvain (Bruxelles) and Barcelona. In the plenum, he told the chief  lawyer of the European Commission that the participation of young people is, of course, a good thing in itself, but that there were no good reasons to belive that it could effectivly and methodologically improve long term future shaping for Europe. - Since summer, the European Commission has for the first time a Commissioner for intergenerational fairness.

Oktober 18 2024   -   New York, September 22-23, the  UN-Summit of the future took place - a kind of a world future council of the national governments within two days.  A Pact for the future as well as an UN-Declaration on future generations were adopted. The Future Council Foundation had participated in the elaboration of the document. It proposes, among other elements, the institution of a delegate for future generations.

October 18 2024   -   Lassalle-Haus above Zug, August 25-29   -   A member of the Future Council Foundation participated in the international conference "Environmental Justice - Making Hope possible", organized by the Lassalle-Instiut. Participants from all over the world met, exchanged ideas and connected. A main topic was the spiritual dimension of long term future shaping.

October 18 2024   -   Switzerland, August 1st. The new curriculum for the Swiss grammar schools came into effect. It contains a chapter on education for sustainable development (Future Council Foundation and Future Building Site have effectively contributed to its elaboration.) Future shaping competences are directly mentioned. So the path for these competences to enter schools is well prepared!

October 18 2024   -   Berne, June 26, in the Bernese House of generations, the Future Council Foundation could realize the conference "Long term future shaping for Switzerland - by future councils, citizens panels and?!" The event was supported by the House of generations and the Swiss UNESCO Commission. The invitation was addressed to institutions that engage in long term future shaping in Switzerland. The concepts of future councils and citizens panels (Nenad Stojanovic, Uni. of Geneva), as well as future shaping in education and schools were introduced and discussed. There was also much time for connecting and reflection, in the very inviting rooms and spaces of the House of generations. 

27th of Decembre  2023   -   25 years Future Council Foundation! - The future Council Foundation could celebrate its 25th anniversary on the 26th of August at the Futue Building site, Cudrefin, canton of Vaud (although one year late) - and this with an outlook on the ongoing and intended projects of the Foundation: > initaiting an informal group of interested MP (after the elections 23) > advance the project "Long term future shaping of Switzerland" and try to get the support of the new federal chancellor and/or the Swiss academies of science and arts > advance the project "VeryEarlyWarning" (prevention of conflicts), as an exemplary project for long term future shaping > participate at the preparation of the  UN summit of the future  (making long term future shaping a permanent and methodological element of the UN) > form a Swiss network with all the organisations that engage in long term future shaping.

31. Mai 2023   -   Die Schweizerischen Akademien der Wissenschaften und insbesondere deren Präsident, Marcel Tanner, sind sehr an der Arbeit der Stiftung Zukunftsrat interessiert. So hat sich seit 2021 ein steter Austausch ergeben. Zur Zeit wird erörtert, ob im Rahmen des Projekts "Langfristige Zukunftgestaltung CH" ein Zusammenwirken möglich ist.

31. Mai 2023   -   Um die Zukunftsrats-Idee und das langfristige ZukunftGestalten im Bundeshaus wirksam einzubringen, wird die SZu nach den Parlamentswahlen im Herbst versuchen, eine informelle Gruppe Zukunft mit interessierten PM zu initiieren.

31. Mai 2023   -   Für das Projekt "VeryEarlyWarning" der SZu laufen zur Zeit mehrere Gespräche und Unterstützungsgesuche. - Die SZu will an einzelnen Themen aufzeigen, was langfristiges ZukunftGestalten konkret bedeuten heisst. Mit engagierten Kleinstaaten soll weltweit das Erkennen von Potentialen von Gewaltkonflikten betrieben werden, so dass solche möglichst frühzeitig gedämmt und geschlichtet werden können.

31. Mai 2023   -    >>>Am 1. Juni am Mittag findet  im Berner Generationenhaus BGH der 1. Gedenktag für künftige Generationen statt. Auch die Stiftung Zukunftsrat ist mit einem Beitrag vertreten. Mit dem BGH gibt es in Bern inzwischen eine richtige kulturelle RaumZeit für langfristiges ZukunftGestalten! - Heute engagieren sich zusehends viele darin, schon nur in Bern: Am 23. Mai hat im Kursaal das erste  >>>2991-Festival stattgefunden. >>>Am 3. Juni versammeln sich im BGH die jüngeren ChangeMaker u.a. mehr.

31. Mai 2023   -   Pro futuris der Schweiz. Gemeinnützigen Gemeinschaft führt zum 175. Jubiläum der Schweizer Verfassung im Herbst einen Zukunftsat U24 durch. - Und führt damit im Ansatz auch die Tradition der Jugend-Zukunftsrat-Tage der SZu fort. Eine Abstimmung der beiden NGO hierzu ist in Gang.

3rd of August 2022  -  At the  international Conference "Environmental Justice", 21 -25 of  August, at the Lassalle-House above Zug, the Future Council Foundation can present its project "Long term future shaping Switzerland" and report about the integration of Edudation for sustainable development into the curricula, the teachers' formation and into whole schools in Switzerland. 

3rd of August 2022  -  In September 2023, the UN, following a proposual of Secretary General Guterres, will realise a  UN-Future-Summit  at the highest political level - it will be something like a world future council, for one week, at least!

3rd of August 2022  -  For its project "Long term future shaping Switzerland", the Future council foundation has by now about ten contacts to persons and institutions (Universities, administration, NGO) that are interested to participate at the project. As a next step, there will be a meeting with the persons in charge at the Swiss Academies to discuss ways how to advance and organisze the project.

2nd of August 2022  -  From August 7th to 13th, the Future Council Foundation transfers its office to the monastery of Ilanz, for the time of the Summer of Ilanz. During this week, a forum about challenges of peace and about a culture of peace is hold.  While elaborating its project on early  recognition of conflicts, the foundation will discuss it with the participants. Taking that project as an example, the foundation wants to make comprehensible to the public what long term future shaping is and what an impact it may have on the shape of our society and for future generations.  

28th of January 2022  -   January: The Future Council Foundation starts its project "Long term analysis of the state of  society and long term future shaping for Switzerland"

28th of January 2022  -   23rd December 2021, Berne: Robert Unteregger, responsible of the Future Council Foundation, meets Marcel Tanner, president of  Swiss Academies A+. They discuss possibilities to advance cooperation and coordination between sciences and politics for prevention and in case of crisis.  Besides the president agreed that Swiss Academies is patronage to the project "Pioneer grammar schools in ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)".  The Foundation realizes that project in collaboration with the Institute for secondary education of the Padagogical University of Berne.  

28th of January 2022  -  5th of November 2021, Berne: The Future Council Foundation realizes a small conference on the institutional enhancement of long term future shaping in Switzerland. As a first result, on the 16th of December, MP Nadine Masshardt submits > the Interpellation "Long term future shaping and check of the consequences for future generations" . By now, the Federal Chancellery is in charge of it and prepares the answer.  

28th of January 2022  -  October 21: The Future Council Foundation presents a larger study: Covid 19 - How measures taken and experiences could be used to better achieve the UN Agenda 2030.  At the end of the study, several concrete propsitions are presented. 

28th of January 2022  -  Lassalle-Institute above Zug, 29th  August - 2nd September: At the international conference "Environmental Justice - Building back better after Corona", the responsible ot the Future Council Foundation, Robert Unteregger, could contribute a > key note about the state of sustainable development in Switzerland and how experiences of Corona-time could be used to better achieve the SDGs until 2030 (UN-Agenda 2030).  

7th of June 2021   -  The Services of the Belgium Parlament have realized a research on the function of second chambers in several governments. They asked the Future Council Foundation for a contribution, too. The Foundation proposed the introduction of future councils rather in addition to first and second chambers, than instead of the second chamber.